Launch your business the RIGHT way!
Let’s start at square one
All the steps you need to take to launch your brand with a bang.
A clear guide for launching your new brand across multiple channels including socials, Google, and your website.
Preparation tips for getting the most out of your brand launch.
Actionable steps to help you find a brand and website design that suits you and your business.
Launching a business might seem like an impossible task.
Square One For Starts Ups makes it easy with the exact steps you need to build a great business, and launch it!
Does any of this sound like you?
You have bitting umming and ahhing about starting your own business for months (okay maybe years…🫠) and still haven’t made that leap…
You went to start a business a few times, got overwhelmed, threw a few pens and almost your laptop, whoops, and then threw in the towel…
You have recently started a business but feel very uncertain and like you may have missed a few crucial steps…
You have fumbled your way through starting up your own business, got there in the end (GO YOU), some things could use going back over to make sure they are right… and now, you need a website… time, money, codes, hosting, yuck, HELP… so you stick with a Facebook page…
You have started your business and built a quick website with the help of your brother’s, aunty’s, cousin’s, sister's help who had used Wix a few times before and now you can’t work out why you website has no visitors and you can’t find it on Google…
I'm here to tell you it doesn't have to be that way. You just have to be willing to roll up your sleeves and do the work.
All these things happened for me, and this could be you too!
I left my 9-5 and matched then surpassed my corporate income
I supported my family while my husband wasn’t paid for a month
I increased my business revenue by 200% in one year
Module 1
Get to know Ash & The Climb Collaborative
What is entrepreneurship and why start your own business?
Identifying your niche and target audience
Conducting market research and analysing competition
Creating a business plan
Setting SMART goals
Module 2
Choosing a business structure and registering your business
Understanding taxes and accounting basics
Obtaining insurance for your business
Managing cash flow and budgeting
Module 3
Establishing your brand identity and messaging
Creating a marketing strategy and content plan
Utilising social media and email marketing
Measuring and analysing marketing performance
Module 4
Understanding Squarespace's features and benefits
Choosing a template and Getting Started With Squarespace
Website Set Up
Content & Layout
SEO & Marketing
Website Launch
Post Launch
Module 5
Creating a launch marketing plan
Implementing customer service and support
Keeping the momentum going
Measuring and analysing website and business performance
Client and Customer Communication for Success
Product and Service Positioning for Success
Long term success - how to get there.
Creating lead magnets and automations.
Plus Bonus!
80+ Page Workbook
With all the details you need and none of the fluff. There is no wishy washy stuff around here. We get straight down to what you NEED to know.
20+ Video Lessons
Ash gets straight down to business and gives you her expert insight into starting a business, building a brand, creating a website and launching a business.
10+ Worksheets & Quizes
These workbooks are one of my favourite things about this course, I always find it easier to make progress when I can use practical tools.
10+ Scripts & Formulas
I want to give you as many tools as I can so that you can succeed! Included in this course are offer formulas, emails scripts and more!
Let yourself commit and feel confident in:
Starting the business you have always dreamed of and saying GOODBYE to Mondayitis - no lie, Monday is my favourite day of the week!
Knowing you ARE smart enough to start and run a successful business
Building a website you are PROUD to send to potential clients
Ditching the overwhelm and following practical STEPS so you know you have done things right the first time.