5 Tips to Make Your Website a Tool for Both You and Your Customers. 

Building a website is about finding the balance between what you want the customer to know/do and what the customer wants to find out from you. 

Have you ever been on a website and straight away felt confused? 

You can’t find what you’re looking for, which let’s be honest is probably a price or a contact form, and you don’t understand how you’re meant to find what you’re looking for. 

This is what we call an unbalanced website. We aren’t only talking about the design of the website, of course, balance is important in design too. We are talking about the crucial balance between directing a customer where you want them to go on your website and giving them the information they’re looking for.

Basically, there are two sides to building a website: 

What the website visitor wants to know

  • What your services, products or packages are.

  • How much it’s going to cost them.

  • What problems you will fix for them and prove that it’s true.

  • How to contact you.

  • Tips and resources to solve their problems.

What you as a business owner want your website visitors to know

  • How to contact you, book a service, or buy a product.

  • Why they should choose you and what makes you unique.

  • Who you are and what you value - trust me this is important. It helps ensure you are only attracting your ideal client and not weeding through leads that aren’t a good fit. 

  • What is the process when working with you or purchasing from you. 

  • Access to your policies and terms and conditions. 

  • How to access your resources and blogs you have spent so much time working on for search engine optimisation and to position yourself as an expert. 

Ok now we’ve got that all straightened out, and we understand the two sides of website expectations and experience that we need to balance…

Here are our top 5 tips for building a website that benefits you AND your customers. 

The first thing website users should see is a button or link to get in touch with you and some form of navigation so your users can find your pages. 

  1. Next up you want to display your services, packages or key products and a way people can read more about them and access pricing. 

  2. Use multiple call-to-action buttons throughout your website that take users to different pages and areas of your content. What’s the point of having a full multi-page website for your business if no one can find the content? 

  3. Include lots of proof: testimonials, credentials, awards. This benefits both you and your customers who are looking for validation that your service or product does what you say. 

  4. Make it clear what the next steps are to work with you. Map out your process, and let people know what to expect. Your leads are a lot more likely to convert to customers if they know what is expected of them and what to expect of you. 

Achieving harmony in your website design is the key to a successful online presence.

By understanding the dual perspectives of your business goals and customer expectations, you can create a user-friendly platform that not only attracts your ideal clients but also converts leads into satisfied customers. Implement our top 5 tips, and watch your website become a powerful tool for both you and your audience.

You want to guide visitors toward your goals, but also provide the information they crave? Here's where we come in.

Is your website balanced for success? Let's talk about that. Schedule a free consultation with us.


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